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jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Why Toy Husky Is A Great Pet

By Roseann Hudson

Sometimes our homes can get too lonely even if a number of family members are living in it. That is probably because as we grow older, we spend most of our time in work or anywhere else outside the house. In that case, people who are left in the house are the elderly or mothers who are raising babies.

Such lifestyle is difficult to live by. Most likely, you will always end up each night asking how everything could turn out as magical as you dream or how your life as a dog would end. But actually, you do not have to end up leading that kind of life because you can have a dog that can make you feel better. Yes, all you need is a new puppy like an adorable toy husky.

If you are not familiar with that animal, that is basically a type of dog. Historically, they came from the Arctic region and are raised by the Eskimos. Before they are not meant to serve as a pet even though they lived with humans. That is because their type is chiefly used for hunting. But as time goes by, and yes, because of the science of breeding, keeping them as a pet is now possible.

You know, they would not consider dogs as our best friends for no reason. There are so many reasons why a dog is a great companion whether you are lonely or not. It is not only because they are way too adorable and cute. There are hundreds or possibly thousands of reasons why.

Studies show that dogs have the ability to share human feelings. So next time if you feel lonely, ask a dog for a hug. Just kidding, but seriously, a having them as a pet decreases the chance of developing depression. It is said that people who had dogs are less likely to get depressed than those who do not have one.

Health of children with learning disabilities are proven to be improved by them. Many evidences show that stress and sensitivity issues among those kids are lessen by constant playing with dogs. Moreover, they also helped in building the self esteem of bullied kids by establishing a warm and playful connection with them.

They are also a great reason to go home to when you are from work. Any owners will agree with me that even as you open the door of your house, they will immediately cuddle you. Do not mistake that for them being aggressive, that is actually their way of showing you that they are comfortable with you.

The new routine added to your life by raising them will keep you moving. Consider those new movements as a new exercise routine. Once you have your pet, you do not have to go to the gym anymore. A simple walk around the park with your pet would be more than enough.

It could be a little handy to start taking good care of them especially when they are still babies. But believe me, that is the best part in taking care of your pet. Do your best in doing your responsibilities as a dog owner.

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