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dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Ragdoll Kittens For Sale In Tennessee Be Prepared

By Jocelyn Davidson

You found out cute little kitties are available and your heart leaped for joy. But remember, cats are different than dogs and adjust differently. Here are some things to remember in getting one of the Ragdoll kittens for sale in Tennessee.

First and most important thing to do is find a good vet who can keep you kitty health and happy. Call several of them and ask the front desk person most of the questions. If the indication is they agree with common sense make an appointment to meet with the vet.

Put locks on cabinet doors, and heavy objects on the floor and move houseplants into a closed room where the kitty can't get to them. Also keep any leaves up out of their reach as cats are often allergic to a variety of plants and some of these are poisonous. Balls of yarn seem cute when vidoes of kittens playing with them, but even yarn can be deadly!

A litter box and food and water dishes are the most important items your cat will need. Make sure to get a litter box that is plenty big enough even if the kitty doesn't grow big. Keep it away from the food and water dishes. Glass, stainless steel and ceramic are best and avoid sudden food changes to prevent diarrhea.

Cat carriers are the only safe way to transport a cat or even take them outside. If a loud noise spooks them, the carrier keeps them restrained and safe from harm. Training them is easy. Just open the door to it, put in soft bedding and clean dishes and walk away. Curiosity will do the rest and don't get excited and slam the door shut. Just leave it for them to enjoy at their leisure until it's time to transport them anywhere.

Cats seem to be masters at creating toys from nothingness. And they find quite a lot of things about the house to entertain themselves with. You really don't need to purchase a ton of toys until you know your kitten better and just let it play with safe household items like TP tubes. Anything big enough to stay out of their throat is possible toy.

Family introductions are not just other pets. People are a mystery to cats just as dogs and other creatures and fixtures. Allow the new one to take its time even if it means putting others up where they can't harm the new kitty. Especially keep dogs either on a leash, or safely confined so kitty can do the investigating as it sees fit.

Vacation time can be a nightmare for cats. They are very much creatures of habit and do not adjust well to having their entire dominion disrupted by going to a kennel or friends home. If you must leave them, develop a relationship with someone who gets along well with them. That way, the cats are not insulted when a stranger comes in their home.

When adopting a kitty be sure to prepare for its arrival so the transitions will go much easier. Cats are fond of having things as they were, so honor that when making decisions that threaten to disrupt their lives. A little love, understanding and patience while they learn go a long way in getting them to cooperate with the other family members.

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