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dimanche 5 octobre 2014

Interesting Things On Old English Bulldogs You Should Know

By Jocelyn Davidson

When you walk on the street or surf in the internet, you can see that there are many different kinds of dog breeds. Some are more vast than others. The Bulldog breed is a major category for its sub breeds. The ancestor of the modern bulldog no longer exist as their lineage was altered several decades ago but it would be fun to know more about them.

The original lineage of these dogs were lost in the repeated cross breeding process. Bulldogs now are shorter than the other breeds but they were not always like that. Before, Old English Bulldogs stand at least 15 inches in height and are known to be war dogs because of their muscular build. One thing that is the same about the modern and the old breed is that they both have broad body type.

Once of the most interesting things about them is that they were developed for the famous English sport Bull Baiting. That is where it got its name. This game became famous several years ago. These dogs where present to hold down the bull by the nose to keep the bulls in place for castration. This was a sport that became as an entertainment for most people. It was brutal as the dogs where forced to participate in this activity with a very angry bull.

When the game was totally banned because of its brutal nature, it was decided that the canines should be crossed with another breed to neutralize their fierce animal instinct and make them great pets. Later on, they were known to be shorter and became the companion of English royalties or some animals. Most bulldogs are also delivered through CS because their heads are too big.

Although, these dogs originated from England it is now being widely petted in America. In fact one American president had an Old English bulldog as a pet. He was the 29th person to take the seat, Warren Harding. President Harding, unlike others, opted to have this canine as a pet. It has gained popularity that it is now 5th on the list of famed canines.

Winston Churchill never owned this breed even though he came from the country where it originated. He was always associated with the animal but the dog that he owned was a pug and not a bulldog. Which is contrary to the belief of many.

This breed also became known as it is almost always the mascot for different schools. Aside from that, truck giant manufacturer Mack Trucks also have this canine as their image. During 1922, the company decided to have the dog as the image for their company. Exactly 10 years later the chief engineer of the company created the hood ornament that can be seen in every truck that was manufactured by the company.

These canines garnered fame because of one sport. And today, they are amassing that same fame for a more tamed and wholesome sport. These dogs seemed to have proven that they can be stars in the skateboarding field. And they have videos in the internet to prove it.

The change in their physical appearance was big that no one would think they could hold down bulls before. But it must be a blessing in disguise that they are no longer what they used to be. Otherwise, it would be difficult to take them on a stroll.

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