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mercredi 26 février 2014

Questions To Ask The Owner Of Kansas City Dog Boarding Facility

By Leticia Jensen

A dog is a very social creature. That is why canines should be treated just like human beings since they keep people company. If you have a dog and want to travel for a business mission or holiday vacation, it is good to leave the pet in safe hands. For that matter, a good dog boarding facility should first come to your mind. When scouting for the right Kansas City dog boarding facility people may check online or locally.

You first need to tour the place where you wish to leave your dog. This is important because you will be able to familiarize yourself with the place. Check how the place is organized. Cleanliness in any pet boarding facility is actually the key. Make sure the kennels are clean and spacious. If you doubt the place, just look for another one.

Inquire about the number of dogs that can be boarded at your chosen facility. Any pet boarding facility has a maximum of the number of canines that can be boarded. Also, the kennels should have a limit of the number of dogs that they can hold at a time. Ask whether each canine has its own unit or several canines share one. If dogs share a single kennel, ask why. It is good to get clarification on anything you are not clear about.

Ask them whether they have a play ground. Note that pets need to be played in groups. If there is a play ground, check whether it is well maintained. The area should also be fenced well to ensure that dogs do not run away. Do not choose a facility that has no play ground or one that has no strong fence all round.

You need to inquire about the number of people employed at your chosen boarding facility. Always go for a facility that has enough staff members to look after all the dogs boarded there. Remember you want your canine to get the attention it needs. So, avoid facilities that lack enough pet attendants.

Also, you should be concerned about the health matters of your pet. This is very important because pets can fall sick at any time. It is therefore good to inquire whether there is a standby veterinary officer to deal with emergencies that may arise. Ask them whether you can contact your vet in case of an emergency.

What your dog will be eating while still in the boarding facility needs to be your concern. Dogs require a good diet. Since your dog is accustomed to eating a particular diet, make sure the same type of food is offered at your chosen facility. Discuss with the owner of the facility about the diet of your pet. If the facility seems not to meet the needs of your dog, try to look elsewhere.

Another important aspect to look at is the cost of the services. The amount paid for dog boarding facilities is not the same. You need to get quotes from different service providers and make comparison. Since you have a budget, consider looking for a service whose price quote lies within your budget.

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