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mercredi 19 février 2014

Discover The Importance Of Hiring Aquarium Maintenance Dayton Experts

By Krystal Branch

You may find that having aquariums near offices or at home is not something new in the modern world. Most people are making this a habit since the fish tanks provide them with the peace of mind that they need by beautifying the place. However, you need to know that maintaining the fish tanks is a basic requirement. That is why you may find the aquarium maintenance Dayton services essential.

When you invite the professionals to maintain your fish tank, you may ask them questions that would help you in future. Some of the things you hire experts to do are simple and you may do them on your own after you heed to their simple instructions. One of the instructions you may receive from professionals is avoiding overfeeding since it propagates algae growth and multiplication.

Another way you may use to keep the fish tank clean and in good condition is by changing water frequently. Naturally, water current and rain carry away nitrates and other fertilizers as a way of refreshing the fish tank. When nitrates accumulate to certain levels, they become toxic to the aquatic creatures. For the closed fish tank, it is always important change water once or twice monthly as experts in the Dayton OH may explain.

The lighting system of these fish tanks is important since it may encourage or distress the growth of algae. Many people understand the principle behind the lighting and the biological processes that take place in algae. To prevent the fast growth of algae, you could know the best lighting systems and where possible, change the bulbs. Dull bulbs would work better since they supply less light.

To ensure that you do not have excessive growth of algae, you may need to introduce other plants in the fish tank. This would be good since the plants would reduce the amount of light, nutrients, and space for algae. The competition that the plants would introduce in the fish tank would oppress the growth of algae. They would reduce the nutrients that the algae need to grow.

Some fish such as catfish are good in feeding on algae. Most people find this technique the best since they do not have to use chemicals. When you use chemicals to eliminate algae, the chemical compounds may contaminate the environment and make the survival of fish cumbersome. You would come across different species of catfish in the Dayton OH city that you may use to eliminate algae from the fish tanks.

Experts recommend that you count your fish weekly to maintain the fish that the tank could support. You should not allow the tank to have excess fish since it may lead to different problems. When some of the smaller fish die unknowingly, they decay and release some chemical substances such as nitrites, ammonia and nitrates that make the environment toxic.

The filter cartridges in your fish tanks require to be changed after 30n days. This ensures that they do not release excess carbon in the fishpond that would turn the environment acidic. With the aquarium maintenance Dayton services, you would have the best fish tanks ever.

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