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vendredi 28 février 2014

Hog Farm Changes: The Need To Make Them

By Lianne Derocco

Changes in the way pigs are cared for and housed are being pushed as initiated by Tyson Food's recent letter sent out to hog farmers. Being the second largest processor of pork, chicken and beef worldwide there is much pressure put on them in terms of ensuring the humane treatment for animals being used for their products. Several suggestions have been made in order to improve hog conditions which also lead to the alleviation of any damage on the surrounding community.

There are many issues are taken up in this letter and video monitoring is amongst them. This is recommended in order to monitor and ensure that employees conform to proper procedures, placing video cameras throughout the farm is being suggested by Tyson. Monitoring includes how animals are being treated and the assurance that employees follow protocols in order to reduce spread or contamination of any disease.

Tyson's letter also tackles the issue of pain management where it is being suggested that pain management for animals during tail docking or castration be provided. As of current time no approved drugs can be found in addressing this particular pain management, Tyson said that this issue will be researched on and so farmers are encouraged to discuss this further with veterinarian who is reliable.

One issue on which Tyson took a harder stance was requiring that certain farms cease using manual blunt force euthanasia to kill piglets. There are several, more humane alternatives for hog farmers to consider. Tyson also recommends that farmers improve the housing conditions of all of the animals on their farms. This basically means that Tyson is asking farmers to ensure that sows and piglets have room to move about freely.

Even when Tyson did not mention agricultural waste management in its letter, this is actually a significant part in hog farming where there are some rather easy means to reduce common waste management problems including foaming, sludge build-up, crusting as well as odors and flies commonly found where waste pits and waste lagoons are.

The use of AgraSphere which is a natural product is a good example if farmers want to deal with said issues, even help prevent them before they happen. There are no chemicals found in this product where it instead relies on natural bacteria microbes so that waste solids can be eaten away thus liquefying waste. By simply tossing this biodegradable sphere into the waste lagoon or pit microbes are immediately released. To add to its prevention of the problems, you will also find waste nutrient value improved which ensures better utilization of waste turned to fertilizer for crops which is a great way to earn extra aside from hog farming.

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