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mercredi 19 février 2014

Lovable Yellow Labrador Puppies For Sale

By Krystal Branch

Yellow Labrador puppies for sale need energetic and fun loving families. They're gentle with children. They love playing and sleeping with other dogs. They're sociable, intelligent, and eager to please. They need exercise and companionship. Bored and lonely Labs will become destructive and boisterous.

Labs are friendly, energetic, loyal, eager to please, and intelligent. They're happy go lucky puppies. They train easily but mature slowly. They remain playful and young at heart even in their senior years.

Males weigh 65-80 pounds, females 55-70 pounds. This hardy breed has a lifespan averaging 10-12 years. This is an average shedding dog with most shedding occurring in spring and fall. Puppies have a black nose that sometimes turn pinkish later in life.

Obedience training is a fun way to bond with your eager to please puppy. Your well mannered puppy will be a welcome and enjoyable family member. Untrained, a large and exuberant Lab drags it owner down the street on walks, and excitedly (but obnoxiously) jumps up to greet the guests.

Labs have few genetic problems. Like most large breeds, they're prone to elbow or hip dysplasia in their senior years. A few eye disorders are inherited within the breed. Parent dogs should be checked for eye disease before breeding.

The Labrador Retriever hails from Newfoundland in Canada. The St John's Water dog worked with fisherman catching fish that came loose, and jumping into the freezing water to pull in nets. Brought to England in the 1800's, they were crossbred with Setters, Spaniels, and other Retrievers to increase their hunting abilities.

Labs work as guide dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs. They have an excellent sense of smell and love to carry things in their mouth. These traits make them a desirable choice for hunting, tracking, retrieving, search and rescue, law enforcement detection work. Their intelligence, athleticism, and eager to please nature makes this canine a highly successful competitor in agility, field trials, and obedience trials.

Labs need at least an hour of exercise everyday. They're not great off leash due to excitability and sociability. They can easily wander off and get lost. Instead let your energetic pup enjoy a romp at the dog park. Labs also love hiking, swimming, agility, games of fetch and flyball.

A bored Lab can be quite destructive, racing through the home knocking things over, chewing on the furniture, and raiding the trash. Like children with candy, they'll eat until they're sick. Take care to provide an environment that will keep your dog safe from his/her overactive eating desires, and keep the environment safe from your pet by satisfying your pets need for activity.

Ask to see registration and health records for the parent dogs. Ask what has been done to socialize the puppies. Most breeders health check, de-worm, and vaccinate their puppies before they're sent to new homes. Ask about health guarantee and return policies. Long term health is more than genetics. It's also nutrition, exercise, and emotional well being.

To be sure that Yellow Labrador puppies for sale go to forever homes, breeders must be sure prospective buyers understand the needs of this energetic, athletic canine. Labs require a 10-12 year commitment of companionship and exercise. They're great with kids as long as you have time to exercise your Lab. They're good with other dogs. They need to be part of a pack. They don't enjoy alone time.

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