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vendredi 28 février 2014

The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide

How to heal your pain and help your beloved pet in the face of a GREAT LOSS

How to heal your pain and help your beloved pet in the face of a GREAT LOSS

We Love Our Pets With All Our Heart and Soul, So When They Die or Near Life’s End, The Sadness, Grief and Pain Runs Deep.

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HOWEVER, There is a Healing Way, There is Comfort For Both You AND Your Pet, to Journey Through This Time of Great Loss. 

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To: All pet lovers whose best animal friend means the world to them, who grieve their loss and who continue to want only the best for them
From: BJ Burman healer, advisor, advocate
BJ and Family 
Dear fellow pet lover and kind soul,
If you seek a path through the pain and the grief of pet loss,
if you feel there must be more than this life for both you and your pet,
if you feel your pet is worth that extra special care as they journey beyond this life,
OR, if you simply long for answers, meaning, guidance through this difficult time

…Then I have something very important and immensely comforting to share with you 

Hi, my name is BJ and as painful or as hopeless as things may seem right now, there is a healing way, a path beyond grief where the dying and death of the pet you love so much can be a beautiful and transformative experience for you both.
I didn’t always know this however, but my journey has revealed this truth.
I love my animals. I love them with all my heart and soul. And I know you love yours in exactly the same way. Each of us know, on an intellectual level, that the animals we love will die, as must we all. But this knowledge does not necessarily ease the pain. Anyone who has lost their beloved animal friend knows this only too well.

It Doesn’t Matter if it Happens Suddenly, or Old Age Strikes, or if We Expected it, Our Pain is Real, Our Grief Deep

When I lost my first and much-loved pussycat, Licky (I named her ‘Licky’ because when she was a kitten she would lick everything, and I mean everything! My face, my feet…the furniture! She was beautiful J) I was very young, around 7 years old. I suppose my mother was trying to protect me when she shielded me from the fact that Licky was sick. And one day, my beautiful little pussycat was gone. I was told she had gone to a better place to live and that she was happy.
…What? As an adult, I see what my mother was trying to do, but it left me with such a void, such a hole in my heart, and a deep, deep sadness and feeling of loss that made my young heart so much heavier than it needed to be.
You see, even though I was a child, deep down inside I knew something very important had happened, and that I was not able to say good-bye, and it broke my heart. I was left with questions, and so many tears.
As an adult, the pain is no different. I have experienced this. I know you have too.

It’s Like Losing a Member of the Family.

They are not ‘just an animal’, they are members of our family.
We use the word ‘pet’, but I wish there was a better word…Best animal friend? Furbaby? Fur-child? Furry friend? The word ‘pet’ doesn’t really describe the real relationship we humans have with the animals we love. They are our best friend, or they are like a child, or as many people I know say, they are simply fully fledged totally equal family members!
They are our comfort in lonely times, our hope in hard times. They bring out a capacity for love and affection that perhaps we didn’t even know we possessed. They teach us about life, and about love.
They have a very real, very important and very deep purpose in our life, which is why the grief that we feel when they die is so profound, and which is also why it is so important to be aware of the spiritual dimension of our relationship with them, in life and in death.

Death, Loss and Grief, Especially When it Comes to Our Pets, are Some of the Least Understood and Least Talked About Parts of our Life

Often we animal-lovers do not feel ‘understood’ in our grief. ‘Well meaning’ friends may even say “It was just an animal, only a pet, time to move on”! Our grief is somehow diminished in importance because the object of our love and loss is animal, not human. So we often don’t know how to cope with this grief, who we can talk to, what we can do, or whether we should be feeling this way at all!
Psychologist Dr Wallace Sife, who specializes in the area of pet loss, says that when it comes to grieving the death of a pet, the emotions are the same as grieving the loss or death of a person that we love:
For the most part, the stages are similar: you deal with shock and denial, anger and distancing, guilt, depression. But the final stage is not closure, it is resolution. You grieve and want to move forward in a way that memorializes them.’ (Dr Wallace Sife)

It is OK to Grieve and to Feel the Sadness.

It is OK to Grieve and to Feel the Sadness.
The sadness runs deep,they are our best friends!
From my encounters with many other pet lovers who have loved and lost, our grief can indeed display the same characteristics whether it is pet loss or human loss – we cry (often uncontrollably), we weep; feel confused, isolated, alone, vulnerable, angry, hopeless, helpless, guilty; experience despair, numbness, forgetfulness, fatigue; and our everyday life can feel like it has been turned upside down!
Since my first experience as a seven year old with ‘Licky’, I have nursed a broken heart several more times, all completely normal, however I never stopped seeking an answer, never stopped my exploration to discover a better path for pet lovers and our best animal friends everywhere.

Healing and Hope is Possible

It took me many years after my intense grieving experiences to understand death and grieving—to understand that there is a healing way, for both human and animal, to journey through the death and dying process, so that this experience can become a beautiful and transformative experience for you and for the pet you love so much. Healing and hope is possible. In short -
“Understanding the process when our beautiful animal friend pet is dying or has died, when we know what to do, gives the experience much more meaning and consequently, much more peace, resulting in a better death for your little loved one and greater healing for you.”

Losing Our Pet Can Happen at any Time.

Accidents happen. Tragedy can strike. Pets can go missing. They can die from illness. They can die from old age. They may be euthanized.
If the death is sudden, the grief starts right there and then, with a powerful force.
However, the grief of loss (or of impending loss) can start even before your beloved furbaby has died. If your little one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or is nearing the end of a long life, the grief can set in early.
This can be a particularly difficult situation when you are trying to manage your own grief while giving your little one the best possible end-of-life care.
My grief has struck from various directions over the years and one experience in particular was a particularly hard lesson I learnt.

What Not To Do—My Own Deepest Regret

I’ve loved my ‘babies’ (mostly cats, dogs and birds) like children. And for a long time, just the thought of losing them was enough to send me into a depression that I just didn’t want to face.
Just the thought of losing them was too much to bear. How cruel that such beautiful creatures have only a short life compared to ours, and that we will have so many years of life left in which to miss them!
Death does inevitably arrive and I came to know precisely ‘what not to do’ through my own heartbreaking and devastating experience involving my departed kitty Feynman.
I cried uncontrollably when I lost him. Could things get any worse?
My Feynie – if only I knew then what I know now beautiful!
I loved Feynie (my nickname for Feynman, whom I named after one of my favourite physicists, the quirky and brilliant Richard Feynman) from the first moment I saw him, at my local cat shelter. I think Feynie chose me more than I chose him. He was just a little kitten, and as soon as he saw me, he made his way over to me and sniffed and snuggled me. Needless to say, I was a gonner. I fell completely head over heals in love.
Feynie was an old soul—wise and regal, it was obvious. There was something special about him, that something special that certain cats and certain dogs have.
He was with me for nearly 15 years. I was expecting a few more. But one night, he was run over. And so began my nightmare.
In my desperation to save Feynie’s life, I insisted my husband put him in the car and drive him to the vet. Meanwhile, frantic and on adrenalin, I was ringing every vet in the city, trying to find one that was open late at night, hoping beyond hope that my husband would get Feynie there in time and his life would be saved.
It wasn’t to be. Feynie died in the back of our car, while I was at home ringing vet after vet…after vet.
If only I knew then what I know now!
I have a pretty good vocabulary, but I have no words for the devastation I felt at the moment my husband walked back into the house with Feynie in his arms, dead. There was no denying it now.
What I felt was beyond words, beyond crying…I could barely breathe as I held Feynie in my arms. For all my desperate attempts at saving his life, Feynie died…and I wasn’t there for him.
That is my biggest regret. I could have been with him, comforting him, sharing his last moments with him just as we had shared our life. But I wasn’t.
It’s never too late though!
There is a path beyond the pain.
What I soon realized was that although I had missed the opportunity to help Feynie while he was dying, I had another incredible opportunity to help him RIGHT NOW! This knowledge brought me such incredible peace and relief. At last, I was able to make Feynie’s death all about him, instead of all about me.
That was a defining moment for me. I vowed not only to honor Feynie, even though his spirit had left his body, but I also promised that no other death from that point on would be wasted.
I’d always been interested in death and dying, things of a spiritual nature, but now, after losing Feynie (and it was not long before this that my father had died, also), my motivation became compelling. I HAD to find out, if at all possible, more about death, about what happens during and after death, and what we can do to make this experience a better one, for ourselves and for others. I was driven.
I studied the subject, attended many retreats and conferences, and became involved in hospice work. So by the time it was Coco’s turn to die, I was ready…

With Coco, Everything was Different. What I Learned and What I did Differently

A year or so later, when it came time for my Coco to die, I was prepared. I held her in my arms, I recited words and phrases that I had specially prepared, I whispered that I loved her and that there was nothing to fear.
When Coco died, I was able to help her through her death (and by helping her, I was helping myself, too).
I was able to apply all the crucial lessons I’d learned:
  • How to deal with my emotions while helping Coco
  • What to do before AND after to help me, my family and my beloved Coco
  • How to assure Coco and give her some peace
  • How to make her transition as peaceful and meaningful as possible
  • What to do after she had died, to continue to help her spirit on its way
Help you and your children through the loss.
And because I had two children, one of whom was still quite young (and remembering my own experience with ‘Licky’ when I just seven), I was able to guide them through the process also, helping them to help Coco, helping them to deal positively with their thoughts and emotions, and giving them a first-hand understanding of death and dying, and how peaceful and meaningful it can be.
This death was beautiful, for me, for my family and I know for Coco. As much as I loved her, just like I loved Feynie, the grief was so very different, because I had been able to do things differently, do things in a peaceful and loving and meaningful way, for us all.
‘We share a bond, eternal and strong; in life and in death, our love lives on.’(anon)

There is One Thing, That Provides Peace and Meaning in a Way That Nothing Else Can.

We humans are emotional, thinking beings, we need to do, we need to be. There is a way to not only love the life we share with our beloved animal baby, but also a way to make their inevitable death a significantly loving, healing and peaceful event, for both of you. Peace and tranquility is possible. Love, hope and meaning can be the cornerstones.
Since Coco’s death, I have devoted myself to helping people deal positively with the loss of their beloved pet—to not only deal with the emotional, thinking and practical aspects, but very importantly, to deal with the spiritual aspects. Not in a religious or a secular way, but simply with acknowledgement to the world’s great wisdom traditions of both east and west.
You can actively and easily engage with practical spiritual methods to help your pet and yourself, so that you don’t have to stand by feeling helpless, overwhelmed by grief, and can instead feel secure in the knowledge that you have helped your beloved pet have the best possible death. This is the greatest cure for grief.
This Makes All The Difference. This Path Is Possible For You Too, And I Show You Step By Step How.

I Wrote The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide To Enable You To Heal Fully 

This essential practical AND spiritual guide is all you will need to help you and your pet
These have been my experiences, and this is why I wrote this guide. The practical aspects of death and dying, and the emotional aspects of pet loss are essential—and I certainly deal with all those.
However unlike many ‘how to cope’ books out there, The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide helps you to deal with the spiritual aspects, the spiritual needs of you and your pet. It gives you genuine and practical spiritual advice, guidance and techniques to ensure the best for your beloved pet, and to help you heal at a much deeper level.
The insights, the simple steps we can take, the practical do’s and don’ts, the inclusion of all the important spiritual aspects are not aimed at ‘taking away the pain’— no-one can do that — but they will set you and your pet free to reveal the wonderful meaning in this thing called life and the beauty of the afterlife while providing the necessary comfort, compassion and solace for you who are left grieving.
‘Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon;
And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.’

(Rossiter Worthington Raymond)


If Your Pet Has Recently Died, or Sometime Ago, or Suddenly, or Tragically, There Is Much You Can Do For You AND For Them.

  • The power of prayer and mantras to help you and your pet
  • The why me, why my pet answers
  • Why memorials are so important
  • How to nurture your own spiritual needs
  • Why an openness with the younger family members is essential
  • How anniversaries are a part of the healing process
  • The what not to do’s
  • And how to let go, move on and remember


If Your Pet is Close to Death, is Sick or Frail,

  • The ideal ambiance and atmosphere to ensure peace and comfort
  • What to do during the transition from life to an afterlife for your pet’s soul and your heart
  • How to be ‘ready’ for even a sudden death
  • Mantras to ease your pain and theirs
  • The essential ways to involve the younger members of the family
  • Mantras to ease your pain and their’s
  • The importance of vigil during the transition
  • How to approach euthanasia from a spiritual perspective, regardless of religion
  • And how to let go, move on and remember.

If Someone You Care About is Grieving The Loss of a Pet,

and you’re not quite sure what to say or do, how to help, then give them the gift of ‘The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide’. It will be the most loving, caring and healing thing you can do for them.


Praise for “The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide”

 Just the right book for anyone dealing with the loss of a beloved pet. September 4, 2013.
Testimonial - Hayley M
Hayley and ‘Mr Tiggles’
I love `The Pet Loss Guide Spiritual Handbook’. It was recommended to me by a friend, and I’m so glad he told me about it. My beautiful, beautiful cat and dog passed away within days of each other, and although I was devastated, I just don’t know how I would have coped without the advice in this book. I loved them so much, and it really meant the world to me to be able to help them when they were dying. It helped me, too. I loved using the MP3 meditation, and it still soothes me when I’m feeling upset.
I really liked the spiritual elements in the book, because I was looking for something more than just the practicalities of everything. I liked that it wasn’t too full-on, but was something that I could manage and wasn’t over my head. It really helped, and still does when I’m feeling sad, which I still do sometimes. I go back into the book and apply some of the advice to help me even now when I’m feeling like that. And I can feel myself slowly healing, I really can.
A beautiful, healing book.
Haley M
Great book. July 4, 2013.
I loved the mantras in this book, as well as the personal anecdotes about the strong bond between animals and humans. There’s nothing more hurtful than to be told one’s pet is ‘just an animal’. The author assures readers that our beloved pets do have souls that survive death. Overall, this is a really great work.
Jeffery J.
Losing a pet can be heartbreaking, but the spirit can fly. May 25, 2013.
Sharon’s ‘Frozen’
I too have suffered the devastation of losing my beloved pet (my gorgeous kitty I got from the RSPCA—I called him ‘Frozen’ because the cardboard box I brought him home in had a ‘frozen goods’ sticker on it). I felt so lucky finding Frozen, it felt like fate—just meant to be. He was my soul mate and ‘brick’ when things got tough. Frozen and my journey together would last but a few months! One day I arrived home to a neighbor’s message that Frozen had  been run over.
He had placed Frozen in a blanket, in a quiet part of the house until I could get him. I brought him inside, lit some candles, lay beside him and spoke very gently to him, wishing him well on his journey. I knew that saying a prayer for Frozen while passing over would help bring peace to us both, just as BJ suggested. I’m so glad I did this (I still listen to BJ’s meditations). Also, I didn’t rush to bury my precious one (Chapter 11). I treasure those extra moments we got to share together. The guidance from BJ’s book, help my healing from this sudden and tragic event. As heartbreaking as it was, I did feel some inner peace knowing that all will be and is okay. See you again Frozen.
Sharon G.
Impressive Pet Loss Guide. May 21, 2013.
I wish I had read this pet loss guide earlier as it would have saved me such a lot of grief after losing my fabulous little puppy, Sammy. Losing a pet is very traumatic and even though I’ve just read this guide, it has helped me come to terms with what happened and I feel much better for it. Thank you, BJ Burman.
Valerie C.
Lovely and practical pet loss guide. May 17, 2013.
I found this book to be so helpful. I’m really glad that I found it, because now I feel that I’ll be able to deal with losing a pet so much better than I have done in the past. At the very least, I’ll have a much healthier way of understanding and managing what’s going on. I regret not knowing this information before, but I’ll be so much better at helping my pets in a loving way now. Thanks so much for writing it, BJ.
Michelle B.

Some Common Questions I Get Asked

I’m not religious, does that matter?

My book is called ‘The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide’. Yes, a key word here is spiritual. But spiritual is not the same as religiousDo you have to belong to a particular religion to benefit from the guidance in my book? Absolutely not. Do you have to be religious at all to benefit from the guidance in my book? Absolutely not.
All you need is an open mind, or a sense that there must be ‘something else’ after this life, or even just a willingness to accept that there might be. If you’ve loved a pet like I have, then you’ve loved with all your heart and soul. This is another form of spirituality. If you have loved in this way, then this book is for you.

My pet died ages ago, it’s too late right?

It’s NEVER too late to help your pet and heal yourself. You see the thing is, spirit is eternal. I missed my first opportunity to help my beautiful cat Feynman while he was dying, but I certainly didn’t miss the opportunity I had AFTER he died.
And to this day, nearly two years later, I STILL use these spiritual healing methods to great effect.
That’s the beauty of this spiritual method—you can use it WHENEVER and FOREVER. Even if your beloved little furbaby died many years ago, you can STILL use the spiritual method to help him AND help yourself.

Is there really an after life? Do pets really go there?

This is a common question. After all, we want to be SURE that the ones we love are safe and happy. That’s why I’ve included a special bonus gift, ‘Case Studies Proving Life After Death For Pets’ to help you with this very question.
The scientific evidence support that YES, THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE, for us AND for our pets. But not only this, it has been my experience that this is true. And if you hone your intuition and listen to it, you will also know from your own experience that this is true.
Have no doubt that life after death for animals (and humans) is absolutely true.

Is this only for cats and dogs?

The answer to this is, No—absolutely not! Although most domestic pets are cats or dogs, the fact is that every single living being is spirit. Every single living thing experiences birth and death transitions, just like humans do. So every single living thing can benefit from the guidance I give in my book. Every single living thing.

Am I going to have to become a ‘new-ager’ to do the mantras?

NO. Mantras belong to EVERY being. They are the sound of our true nature, and of spiritual power. Once again, all you need is a sincere desire combined with a loving heart.
Mantras (certainly the ones I refer to in my book) come from an ancient tradition, thousands of years old, at least. In there essence, they have existed forever.
Revealed by truly advanced spiritual beings for the benefit of all living beings throughout all time, mantras have been understood only through a disciplined wisdom practice.

Can’t I just buy another pet and get over things that way?

Yes, by all means, you can buy another pet. But if you think this is going to mean you ‘get over’ the loss of your previous pet, then you are perhaps in denial. If you have loved, deeply loved, your pet, you don’t ‘get over’ their death.
Their death changes you, irrevocably and forever. If you adopt the practical and spiritual methods I’ve recommended in my book, you can certainly heal your grief more quickly and at a deeper level than you otherwise might. And therefore, you may want another beautiful little furbaby in your life. But do not confuse yourself, or delude yourself, that by getting another pet, you have either ‘forgotten’ or ‘gotten over’ the one you’ve lost.
Any loss demands attention, and healing. You need to make sure you do this. Then your heart can expand to truly love again, and to love more.

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What You’ll Find Inside The Guide

Here’s a quick preview of what valuable information you will have at your fingertips…
tick_sm What not to do when your pet is dying (Page 7)
tick_sm Letting go with peace and love (Page 15)
tick_sm What happens to animals when they die (the after life) (Page 12)
tick_sm Practical steps to create a peaceful passing (Page 16)
tick_sm The extraordinary power of prayer and mantra (Page 19)
tick_sm Which prayers and mantras to use for each stage of dying and death (Page 21)
tick_sm Involving your children in a positive and meaningful way (Page 22)
tick_sm Important considerations for euthanasia (Page 24)
tick_sm After death care and prayer (Page 33)
tick_sm how to deal with a sudden/tragic death (Page 38)
tick_sm Unique and special ways to remember your pet (Page 40)
tick_sm Understanding and dealing with your grief (Page 43)
tick_sm The support of family and friends (Page 46)
tick_sm Extra resources and additional help (Page 49)


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Special, Free Gifts for Ordering Today …

Losing a loved one is one of the most traumatic experiences you will ever go through in this life time and we often need a little help to find our feet again. Because of this, I am including some very helpful and practical free gifts for you…

Free Gift #1 – Valued at $17

Healing Meditation / Mantra (Audio-MP3) – I guide you through a beautiful, powerful and healing meditation. Perfect for you and your pet. With this original recording, you will…
  • Create a beautiful ambient environment for your sick pet
  • Listen to sounds that will soothe you and your pet
  • Learn a powerful mantra you can use to help your pet during sickness or after death
  • Use to ease your grief after your pet has died

Free Gift #2 – Valued at $25

Online memorials: A unique way to remember, celebrate and share your pet’s life - An ebook detailing beautiful traditional and non-traditional memorial service options. Honoring the life of your beautiful furbaby by remembering, celebrating and sharing their life, is psychologist recommended technique to help you and your family with your grief.
  • Wonderful ideas about using the internet to remember your pet
  • How to keep your memorial private 
  • Ways to grieve and remember that suit you
  • DIY or find someone who can

Free Gift #3– Valued at $35

When The Family Pet Dies: Teaching Our Children About Life And Death – Timeless techniques and wisdom for parents, teachers and guardians to help children deal with the loss of their pet. The loss of a much-loved family pet is often the first experience your children will have of death. This little book of wisdom will help you, help them through this often difficult situation.
  • Learn how to talk to your children in a way that they will understand
  • Find ways to involve your children
  • Find a new level of emotional connection with your children
  • Help them to deal with loss and grief in a positive way

Free Gift #4 – Valued at $19 

When Your Pet Dies: What can you do with the ashes? - This is sometimes overlooked but very practical part of what to do after the passing of my pet.
  • Discover some unique ideas for an ashes ceremony
  • Learn about regulations or issues you need to consider
  • Find out about the practicalities of releasing ashes
  • Find out how to have your pet cremated, ways you can have the ashes stored

Free Gift #5 – Valued at $7 (But these true stories are simply priceless with the comfort and solace they provide)

The Proof You Want – Case Studies on Life After Death for Pets – Is there life after death? A perennial question. I have collated several verified personal stories of afterlife experiences with pets. Even if you are a skeptic, after reading these you won’t be.
  • Learn what both doctors and spiritualists agree on
  • Find peace and comfort knowing that life goes on and that you will meet again
  • Learn about the spiritual purpose of our relationship with animals
  • Find hope and happiness in life

Free Gift #6 – Valued at $67

Euthanasia – What you must know (Audio-MP3) - One of the most difficult decisions we, as animal lovers, may have to make is whether to euthanize a beloved pet, who  is terminally ill. I share with you an indepth information that you must know when making your decision.
  • Learn the pros and cons of euthanasia
  • Consider some important spiritual perspectives
  • Experience some comfort and clarity when making this difficult decision.

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This is what you will receive today Value Your Cost
The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide $37.00 $37.00
Healing Meditation / Mantra MP3 $17.00 FREE
Online memorials ebook $25.00 FREE
Teaching Kids about loss and death ebook $25.00 FREE
What to do with the ashes ebook $19.00 FREE
Pet Life After Death Case Studies report $17.00 FREE
Euthanasia – What you must know MP3 $21.00 FREE
TOTAL $37.00


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BJ Burman and Prince
It means a lot to me to be able to share some of my story with you, and to help you through this heart-breaking time.
I have spent well over 20 years gathering and developing the information in this guide and it can help you gain a lot of comfort and insight into these times of great loss.
Your heartache is no doubt strong. I know the way to ease this pain, the way to help your beloved pet physically and spiritually, before death AND after death, and the way to help you and your family find peace and meaning in this experience.
This is my wish for you and your pet—to find peace and meaning in death, life’s most incredible journey.
With peace and blessings
BJ Burman


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Hog Farm Changes: The Need To Make Them

By Lianne Derocco

Changes in the way pigs are cared for and housed are being pushed as initiated by Tyson Food's recent letter sent out to hog farmers. Being the second largest processor of pork, chicken and beef worldwide there is much pressure put on them in terms of ensuring the humane treatment for animals being used for their products. Several suggestions have been made in order to improve hog conditions which also lead to the alleviation of any damage on the surrounding community.

There are many issues are taken up in this letter and video monitoring is amongst them. This is recommended in order to monitor and ensure that employees conform to proper procedures, placing video cameras throughout the farm is being suggested by Tyson. Monitoring includes how animals are being treated and the assurance that employees follow protocols in order to reduce spread or contamination of any disease.

Tyson's letter also tackles the issue of pain management where it is being suggested that pain management for animals during tail docking or castration be provided. As of current time no approved drugs can be found in addressing this particular pain management, Tyson said that this issue will be researched on and so farmers are encouraged to discuss this further with veterinarian who is reliable.

One issue on which Tyson took a harder stance was requiring that certain farms cease using manual blunt force euthanasia to kill piglets. There are several, more humane alternatives for hog farmers to consider. Tyson also recommends that farmers improve the housing conditions of all of the animals on their farms. This basically means that Tyson is asking farmers to ensure that sows and piglets have room to move about freely.

Even when Tyson did not mention agricultural waste management in its letter, this is actually a significant part in hog farming where there are some rather easy means to reduce common waste management problems including foaming, sludge build-up, crusting as well as odors and flies commonly found where waste pits and waste lagoons are.

The use of AgraSphere which is a natural product is a good example if farmers want to deal with said issues, even help prevent them before they happen. There are no chemicals found in this product where it instead relies on natural bacteria microbes so that waste solids can be eaten away thus liquefying waste. By simply tossing this biodegradable sphere into the waste lagoon or pit microbes are immediately released. To add to its prevention of the problems, you will also find waste nutrient value improved which ensures better utilization of waste turned to fertilizer for crops which is a great way to earn extra aside from hog farming.

About the Author:

jeudi 27 février 2014

What To Look For In Cavachons For Sale

By Leticia Jensen

Finding Cavachons for sale is not as easy as it may sound. They are a fairly rare breed of designer dog that first came to be in 1996. The name Cavachon comes from combining the names of the two breeds that were used to create these dogs, the Cavalier King Charles and a Bichon Frise. The breeds are two small to medium sized dogs that have blended to create a very cute puppy.

What you will find is a puppy that looks like he belongs on a greeting card. With enormous eyes and ears that nearly drag the floor he can enchant everyone who sees him. The puppies are colored white with patches of color especially around the eyes. The bichon side of the breed helps to make their coats of a nature that is non-allergenic to people and this is an asset for many owners.

They are very athletic and love to play with kids or other dogs. They will also get along fine with your cat should you have one. Their general disposition can be verified if you read the statistics on the breeds that contribute to their linage. The lines of both contributors will tell you of smart, gentle personalities you can expect from this puppy as an adult.

A cautionary warning is that they should not be left alone outside because they tend to wander off and not know how to get back home. They will need to be professionally groomed on a regular basis because of fast growth of their coat. They have been reported to have few health issues but to be safe you may want to have their heart and eyes checked by your vet.

Some of the highest quality puppies come from Kent, Ohio. The breeders there have good reputations as breeders of several types of designer dogs. They have taken the time to bring out the very best qualities of both breeds over the years and have successfully created an almost perfect animal. They have become well versed in this dog and are willing to answer any questions you may come up with regarding raising or training your puppy.

The puppies found here are family raised with socialization with people, children and other dogs. They are not the tightly wound, energetic little barking machines that come from some breeders. You can anticipate a well adjusted, easily trained puppy that will probably be house broken when you take him home.

Designer dogs, unlike pure bred dogs, do not basically all look the same. They can be better compared to a large family where the children are identifiable as brothers and sisters but distinctly different in their own ways. Some litter members may look more like the mother than the father or may throw back to their grand parental units. Some of the Cavachon puppies may have curly hair while others in the same litter may be nearly straight or wavy. Some of the puppies may even be much smaller adults than their siblings.

Many designer dogs are bred specifically for people who have smaller living spaces. Apartment or condominium life is perfect for the cavachon. They are just as happy being a lap dog and constant companion as they are outside for their daily romp and exercise. They may be one of the best companions ever created.

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White Labradors For Sale Are Classified As Yellow

By Lisa Williamson

When you find white Labradors for sale, don't be dismayed when the papers give the color as 'yellow'. Registered Labrador retrieves only come in three colors: black, yellow, and chocolate. The white dogs are a very, very light shade of yellow, which may only be discernible as a tinge around the ears or on the back.

This hardy breed of dog originated in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Labrador is the mainland part of this sparsely populated region, separated by a narrow strait from the island of Newfoundland. The St. John's Water Dog, the ancestor of today's Labs, originated on the island. They were imported to England by duck-hunting nobility in the 19th century and crossed with other dogs.

Labs have retained their love of the water and of retrieving, their intelligence, and their athleticism throughout the years. They are now used for hunting, as show dogs, and as family pets. They make wonderful assistance dogs, being intelligent and gentle. They like people even more than they like hunting and swimming.

Anytime you are buying a purebred dog, you will want to check out the breeder thoroughly. You can ask for references, which should include one or more veterinarians and several past customers. All reputable breeders know the value of a good track record and will be happy to supple this kind of information. Vets are used to these questions, as well.

All dogs should come with health papers showing what tests have been done to make sure there are no genetic defects, what shots the animal has had, and the record of routine care. You want to see both parents of a puppy, if possible, since disposition is often inherited. It might be a good idea to arrive prepared with a list of questions to ask and to know what are acceptable answers.

Go online to see websites posted by breeders. On these, you can see how beautiful these animals are. You will also see the show records of dogs and the dedication of the breeder to preserving the best qualities of the Labrador. A good program won't be based on color alone; in other words, there's more involved than breeding two white dogs to each other. A wide head, gentle nature, and muscular frame is typical of Labs of all colors, as is a short, smooth, dense, water-resistant coat.

A good example of a very, very light yellow Lab is truly beautiful. There's no reason to think it will be any less healthy, sound, and gentle than another of a different color. As long as you take care in choosing a dog and have it vetted thoroughly before finalizing the transaction, everything should be fine.

You may never even have seen one of these beauties. Going online is a good way to see them, since they are becoming more popular. They are not necessarily common, but some breeders can show you four generations of very light yellow dogs that look pure as the driven snow. Labs are bred for both hunting and showing, but a good one can do both, as well as being a perfect family dog.

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Why The Dog Trainer San Francisco Services Are Popular In The City

By Lisa Williamson

You need to know that dogs do not understand the language you use unless you train them to do so. Other than using words, dogs would respond better to human words using their body actions and language. This is the reason why you may need to train your dogs. You should not speak much if you want the dogs to understand you better. You should instead use body movements, actions and language more or hire a dog trainer San Francisco to do so.

There are various advantages of training dogs. Firstly, the dogs are able to have better behaviors and characters. You would realize that dogs with proper training would not have irritating quirks and habits such as howling, scratching, and crotch sniffing. Sometimes, it may be embarrassing to have dogs with weird behaviors. Although dogs have such behaviors naturally, you may train them otherwise.

With your children in mind, the training of your dogs would be quite fundamental. You should not entertain anything that would interfere with anything to do with your children. This means that even the pets you have at home should be friendly to your playful children. You would not wish to live with dogs that are easily irritated to an extent that they would hurt your children at anytime.

You may have some people or neighbors who take their dogs every time they wish to take walks in public places. You should not assume that this happens just like that. The owners of these dogs ensure that they train their dogs before exposing them in public places. This ensures that they would not run after other dogs on the way or jump at every person they come across.

Some dogs are fearful and they do not have the confidence to face people. In fact, some of the dogs would only remain in their cabins other than accompanying their owners and other members of the family in some activities. The training helps the dogs to realize that they are very important in the lives of human beings and fight the fear and perception that humans are not friends to them.

When hiring the training experts, you need to get some clarifications from them. One of the things you may need to know about them is the methods they use to train them. You would be curious to know the techniques that the experts use to teach the dogs specific habits. You may not be comfortable with all the methodologies that the experts use.

It is imperative to know the period that the professionals have training dogs. This would be important for you to know if you are dealing with the right people. You need to understand that spending more years in the training business does not mean that they are the best trainers. What matters most is the expertise that the experts have in transforming the behavior of the dogs.

You may also narrow down to know if the experts have dealt with the breed of your dogs before. There are different breeds of dogs and each breed may require its special training. You would wish to know if the trainer could identify with your breed and train it easily.

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Factors To Consider For Home Euthanasia For Dogs Phoenix

By Leticia Jensen

It is never an easy decision to euthanize a pet and in fact most pet owners feel crashed at the thought of letting go of their best friend. There are several elements that must be considered before taking this step key among them being the age and cost of procedure. Choosing the right home euthanasia for dogs phoenix is a good way to approach this painful but important decision.

As painful as this decision might be, homeowners must at one point or the other reach that conclusion. Times have changed and with that change more and more people are getting more comfortable with euthanizing their pet at home. Use the tips below to select the best possible services.

You need to establish the maximum number of years dogs can live although those with the longest lifeline do not live past twenty years. Generally a good number of these people keep last for at least five years and if you are lucky enough then may go up to ten years. At this age, they will begin to experience some debilitating sicknesses like arthritis and deafness.

From that point, people must understand that they will take long to recover if they are injured or fall ill and in most cases, the pet will not understand why it is being subjected to treatment. Many of them even consider this process to be nothing but torture. In such times, a homeowner should know if they are ready to let go and save the canine the medical procedures.

Among the biggest mistake people do is to epitomize their canine by attaching it to important events and places like it is done with humans. Others take this personification further by thinking that the pets are even happy to be part of family functions like weddings. This will have a toll on you when time comes and you have to say goodbye to the pet through euthanasia.

It is important that you do not arrive to this conclusion alone, involve your family and consult with them to hear what they feel about the decision. If they are involved, they will help you through the painful moments of grief but you have to be careful how you explain the procedure to your kinds. There are some phrases that will result in phobic tendencies among kids.

After considering everything and are now sure that you are doing the right thing for yourself and the pet, you can begin to think where and how you want the process to happen. The best is to opt for a location familiar to the canine for comfort and peace of mind. The idea is to make the atmosphere as conducive as possible.

Remember that by picking the best home euthanasia for dogs does not mean the pain and distress you feel will not disappear immediately. However, it is advisable to take the grief just like it was one of your loved ones who had died. If possible be present during the procedure and cry out all the pain in your heart; it will help you to get over the grief faster.

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mercredi 26 février 2014

Searching For A Cavachon Dog Breeder

By Leticia Jensen

At the age of 7-8 weeks, puppies are old enough to live away from their mothers. Their brain development will be largely influenced by the way they have been brought up. This will in turn have an effect on their behavior as grown ups. Puppies that have been brought up in isolation will be fearful and anxious making it difficult to relate with people. A good Cavachon dog breeder can help your puppy become the dog you desire.

It could be extremely alarming to have a puppy that shows animosity at the scarcest incitement. To stay away from occurrences of ambushes and animosity, you may as well discover a puppy that has been reared in a family setting. This provides for it an opportunity to figure out how to relate with individuals. It is significant to see the mother with her puppies. When she demonstrates animosity, you might be guaranteed the conduct will be passed on to the puppies.

A good dog raiser ensures the puppies have good parents. They feed them properly to ensure they grow into healthy pets. The person raising them must ensure the litter is managed properly. You should take your time to find the right person for the job since it is not easy. However, with a little effort you will be successful.

One method for distinguishing conceivable applicants is by going to puppy demonstrates in your general vicinity. Individuals who raise canines likewise go to and you can take the risk to converse with them. You can discover pooch shows being publicized in the media or the web. You can likewise converse with canine possessors in participation and get profitable data.

You need to also check the conditions under which the puppy is living. The puppies should be in good living conditions. If not, report the serviceman to the authorities for cruelty on animals. You can then look for another puppy elsewhere.

During dog shows, prizes are awarded to the best breeders. The aim of a good raiser of canines should not be to gain fame in the shows. It should be to raise the best puppies that will add joy and happiness to the people who will own them later. There is nothing wrong to consider buying from raisers who emerge winners in such shows.

Often, you find canines being advertised in the papers or being displayed for sale in pet shops. Most of such animals come from puppy farms where they are not bred in the best way. Therefore, you could end up having a canine that will bother you in future. Avoid buying puppies in such places since it is hard to know about their breeding.

Quality puppies are reproduced by sticking to extremely strict routines. Quality raisers don't keep a combination of breeds together. Some spend significant time in a given breed just. Such an individual will be completely educated about the concerned creature. When you have any inquiries concerning the breed you are intrigued by, you can ask such an individual.

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Pet Euthanasia At Home Scottsdale Solutions

By Leticia Jensen

If you have a sick cow, dog, or cat, you will spend time, and cash to ensure the animal gets better. However, some have incurable diseases, which lead to loads of pain. In such situations, you can opt for a painless procedure, of good death. This includes use of inhalants, injections, or gun. Many people have found it easier to ease pain, and stop spread of communicable disease by adapting pet euthanasia at home Scottsdale solutions.

There are times when pets contract diseases. This might cause harm to the family and you have no option than to end the life of your cat. There are animals, which have terminal diseases, and lead a weak, painful life. In such situations, you have to look for alternatives, which shall make your animal die peacefully.

If you have old dogs, and want to get rid of them, you find it ideal to use a simple, yet effective method. Some owners issue poison, which stays in the system for many hours leading to slow and painful death. It is much easier to kill older animals by using injections, guns, or gas. Some shelter homes have a hug capacity of pets and cannot find extra space or food.

It is not cheap to keep animals in your house. Cats, and dogs, need tender care. This includes high costs of food, treatment, and spending more time. There are people who find it a huge burden and find it ideal to kill the pets. Many people fear hurting the pets, but with the assistance of painless procedures, you will find it quite easy, and fast.

With the assistance of injections, you safely kill the animal. There are drugs used in the process, which makes the animal unconscious, and leads to instant death. You need to read instructions given carefully. Some manufacturers indicate the area you need to inject for the medicine to work as desired.

Some people dear needles and will find it easier to apply the use of inhalants. This process involves concentration of poisonous gas in the animal. It leads to suffocation and instant death. The user only needs to follow the instructions given. The animal shall die within a few seconds.

Animal doctors advice owners of pets to use a fast and painless procedure. You do not want the animal to suffer. There are people who settle for methods they do cannot execute properly. This increases the pain, and some animals die in pain. Doctors have designed painless procedures, which shall happen within a few seconds.

Most of the methods applied do not need much assistance, or experience. You will find it ideal to settle for options which do not cost much cash, and painless. You can choose from injections, inhalants, use of guns, or cervical dislocation. However, this shall depend on type of animal, age, and size. You will find it harder to apply the cervical dislocation method on bigger pets like dogs, but it shall work perfectly well on kittens.

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Steps Of Military Dog Adoption

By Leticia Jensen

When you need to have more mutts in the family, you might need to pick where to get them from. Initially, you may choose to head off to the closest recover focus to discover a creature which needs a spot to sit tight. Be that as it may, assuming that it is a specific breed that you need, purchasing from the best military dog adoption agency is the best thing to do. Do some exploration with a specific end goal to discover a great raiser who has been in the business for quite a while and knows how to deal with the creatures. Underneath are things to think about when searching for raisers.

The main thing to check is that he has the sort of breed you need. Assuming this is the case, check and see that the administration supplier is a part of guaranteed reproducers. Such raisers accompany strict reproducing directions and look after the pooches well. Mutts with such servicemen are solid and not forceful.

Nonetheless, before receiving this creature there are steps and variables to be recognized. The principal step is surveying the home and the living norms of an individual. It is fitting to consume a creature that fits the living norms of an individual to abstain from abusing it or straining so hard to encourage it. These creatures need routine practice as they have had in the armed force and in this way one must be prepared to take long strolls.

Unlike self trained puppies the army trained ones have special training in obedience. This means that they can not easily cause unintended destruction. The second step is checking whether these animals are placed in good hands after their service in the army. This is done through organizations that ensure the rights of these animals are implemented.

In the event that parts of the general population need to consume an armed force dog, they are encouraged to take the numbers on the guard appropriation locales. They are further encouraged to get and figure out if there are resigned dog to be advertised. Assuming that there are no dogs to be consumed at the minute, the regular people are put on the sitting tight record for any dog accessible.

When you have never raised a puppy previously, approach the rearing master for rules on the most proficient method to do so. A qualified serviceman will be upbeat and eager to help you in any manner that he can. Assuming that he can't help you on this, search for an alternate rearing office.

Search for a rearing pro who has love for the puppies. These servicemen ought not be in this business for cash. They might as well love and watch over the creatures since this additionally influences how they respond around other individuals incorporating you, the new manager. You additionally need to head off to an office that has been in operation for a long time. Such an office has encountered staff whose administrations are of high caliber.

A solid reproducer will additionally need to know where you live with the goal that he can wiretap the creature now and again. Assuming that the office does not do a catch up on how their creatures are, no doubt treated and the conditions in which they live, don't purchase from them. Search for an office which thinks about where their creatures are constantly taken to. The raiser may as well give extemporaneous visits to the managers of their creatures to know whether they are, no doubt administered to well.

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Find The Best Bengal Kittens For Sale In Ma

By Leticia Jensen

There is a huge choice of Bengal kittens for sale in MA. The breeders are many, but they are dedicated to their work, and proud of their results. They are professionals with regards to the breed they offer, and can be very helpful in assisting with any dilemmas regarding the type of cat you might want, as well as to help you choose your next animal companion.

It is a given that you have decided on a Bengal kittens for their personality, charm and striking appearance. They have a mischievous disposition, and demand attention at all times. They have a complex personality and each cat has their own unique temperament.

The choice of kitten is quite a simple one and would normally be regarded as an instant sense of knowing. However a few checks should be taken into account. The kitten should be healthy looking, and with no signs of diarrhea, or weakness. It should also seem playful, friendly and alert.

Their strikingly wild appearance originates from the breeding of a non-aggressive Asian leopard cat with the domestic cat. They have a velvety soft fur, with the distinctive leopard markings which make them look like little wild cats. They also have the distinct eyeliner markings around the eyes. Some cats are large but generally, the Bengal is of average domestic cat size, they are however lean and elongated cats.

When visiting a potential breeder, check that the living conditions of the kitten are clean and that all of their needs have been accommodated. Clean water and ample food with toys to play with, as well as a clean litter box have been provided. Most breeders are diligent and professional in their work and care for each and every kitten as if it were a part of their family.

Mostly though, the kittens can be handled and inspected prior to purchase. You need to check that they are not sickly. They should be lean but not too thin, and by watching them for a while, they should have a healthy appetite. Also, they should not still be drinking from their mother but should by now be independent eaters and not younger than13 weeks old. Their coats should be healthy and shiny soft, and their eyes sparkling and inquisitive.

When purchasing your kitten keep in mind that they are social cats, and depending on whether you home for most of the day or not, perhaps it will be wise to buy two, for companionship. The choice of kitten depends on a few criteria: they should not be too thin; and their coat should be smooth and shiny. Their eyes should be bright and clear and they should not be timid or afraid of human contact. Their playfulness and social demeanor within the litter is an important indication they have been well socialized and domesticated, with clean litter habits.

If you are not entirely happy with the selection of kittens at one breeder, then rather move on to another so that you can purchase the right one for you. The array of these pets in the city is large, and you are bound to eventually find what you are looking for. The right choice is an important one, as the kitten will grow into a cat which you will love as a part of your unique family forever.

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Comprehensive Dog Boarding Mission Viejo

By Lisa Williamson

Treating your pet well ensures that it reciprocates by giving you fantastic company. The environment and the handling add up to the conditions that guarantee comfort and ensure good health. To ensure good health and relaxation, the facility is professionally prepared and approved by regulatory authorities. It is an entire package that includes nutrition, veterinary services and grooming.

All pets are handled by professionals with formal training and passion for animal handling. Their expertise and experience helps them to detect illness or any form of discomfort that would indicate a problem. They are quick to act and know the actions to be taken in whichever case. Dog boarding Mission Viejo facility guarantees peace of mind and comfort to the traveling owner. This comes from knowing that the pet will stay healthy, safe and entertained in your absence.

The facility where dogs are hosted is professionally prepared to provide adequate fun and necessary amenities for dogs. The dogs will not be bored while you are away on work or holiday. This means peace of mind knowing that the pet is fully occupied and well attended. You do not have to make travel plans for the pets considering the many health requirements and animal rules in different nations and states.

There is an animal nutritionist who takes care of their nutritional and dietary needs. They pick the routine, food brand and quality from you so that it is maintained. This will prevent new foods from upsetting their tummies. Packing a favorite toy adds to the familiarity concept.

There are coaches and lounging areas for dogs that are used to the comfort of living rooms. This is a well prepared, healthy and comfortable living area that offers familiarity and the coziness of home environment. There are temperament and character tests that are done before any pet is admitted. They provide the basis of grouping to prevent bullying and boredom.

Grouping of dogs is based on size, style of play as well as level of energy. Each animal is taken through a trial session before accommodation. The aim is to establish the area or group it will best fit. This prevents loneliness or situations where it is harassed. An animal that feels out of place will eventually be stressed and not enjoy the stay. Their temperaments are tested to understand the best way to handle them.

Availability of adequate numbers of care givers ensures personalized attention for each dog. This will keep every dog under watch and engaged for the time it will be at the facility. It makes the time more enjoyable and allows careful monitoring of strange behaviors and abnormal actions. A resident veterinary provides health services and offers treatment as early as the pet requires.

The facility guarantees excellent value for money. There is an option for home care if the number of pets is sufficient to warrant such a provision. This prevents fretting them through movement and especially change of environment. The fees depend on number of days, services required, number of pets and details of the package. Your pet is guaranteed quality service and compassionate handling while you are away.

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Questions To Ask The Owner Of Kansas City Dog Boarding Facility

By Leticia Jensen

A dog is a very social creature. That is why canines should be treated just like human beings since they keep people company. If you have a dog and want to travel for a business mission or holiday vacation, it is good to leave the pet in safe hands. For that matter, a good dog boarding facility should first come to your mind. When scouting for the right Kansas City dog boarding facility people may check online or locally.

You first need to tour the place where you wish to leave your dog. This is important because you will be able to familiarize yourself with the place. Check how the place is organized. Cleanliness in any pet boarding facility is actually the key. Make sure the kennels are clean and spacious. If you doubt the place, just look for another one.

Inquire about the number of dogs that can be boarded at your chosen facility. Any pet boarding facility has a maximum of the number of canines that can be boarded. Also, the kennels should have a limit of the number of dogs that they can hold at a time. Ask whether each canine has its own unit or several canines share one. If dogs share a single kennel, ask why. It is good to get clarification on anything you are not clear about.

Ask them whether they have a play ground. Note that pets need to be played in groups. If there is a play ground, check whether it is well maintained. The area should also be fenced well to ensure that dogs do not run away. Do not choose a facility that has no play ground or one that has no strong fence all round.

You need to inquire about the number of people employed at your chosen boarding facility. Always go for a facility that has enough staff members to look after all the dogs boarded there. Remember you want your canine to get the attention it needs. So, avoid facilities that lack enough pet attendants.

Also, you should be concerned about the health matters of your pet. This is very important because pets can fall sick at any time. It is therefore good to inquire whether there is a standby veterinary officer to deal with emergencies that may arise. Ask them whether you can contact your vet in case of an emergency.

What your dog will be eating while still in the boarding facility needs to be your concern. Dogs require a good diet. Since your dog is accustomed to eating a particular diet, make sure the same type of food is offered at your chosen facility. Discuss with the owner of the facility about the diet of your pet. If the facility seems not to meet the needs of your dog, try to look elsewhere.

Another important aspect to look at is the cost of the services. The amount paid for dog boarding facilities is not the same. You need to get quotes from different service providers and make comparison. Since you have a budget, consider looking for a service whose price quote lies within your budget.

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mercredi 19 février 2014

Lovable Yellow Labrador Puppies For Sale

By Krystal Branch

Yellow Labrador puppies for sale need energetic and fun loving families. They're gentle with children. They love playing and sleeping with other dogs. They're sociable, intelligent, and eager to please. They need exercise and companionship. Bored and lonely Labs will become destructive and boisterous.

Labs are friendly, energetic, loyal, eager to please, and intelligent. They're happy go lucky puppies. They train easily but mature slowly. They remain playful and young at heart even in their senior years.

Males weigh 65-80 pounds, females 55-70 pounds. This hardy breed has a lifespan averaging 10-12 years. This is an average shedding dog with most shedding occurring in spring and fall. Puppies have a black nose that sometimes turn pinkish later in life.

Obedience training is a fun way to bond with your eager to please puppy. Your well mannered puppy will be a welcome and enjoyable family member. Untrained, a large and exuberant Lab drags it owner down the street on walks, and excitedly (but obnoxiously) jumps up to greet the guests.

Labs have few genetic problems. Like most large breeds, they're prone to elbow or hip dysplasia in their senior years. A few eye disorders are inherited within the breed. Parent dogs should be checked for eye disease before breeding.

The Labrador Retriever hails from Newfoundland in Canada. The St John's Water dog worked with fisherman catching fish that came loose, and jumping into the freezing water to pull in nets. Brought to England in the 1800's, they were crossbred with Setters, Spaniels, and other Retrievers to increase their hunting abilities.

Labs work as guide dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs. They have an excellent sense of smell and love to carry things in their mouth. These traits make them a desirable choice for hunting, tracking, retrieving, search and rescue, law enforcement detection work. Their intelligence, athleticism, and eager to please nature makes this canine a highly successful competitor in agility, field trials, and obedience trials.

Labs need at least an hour of exercise everyday. They're not great off leash due to excitability and sociability. They can easily wander off and get lost. Instead let your energetic pup enjoy a romp at the dog park. Labs also love hiking, swimming, agility, games of fetch and flyball.

A bored Lab can be quite destructive, racing through the home knocking things over, chewing on the furniture, and raiding the trash. Like children with candy, they'll eat until they're sick. Take care to provide an environment that will keep your dog safe from his/her overactive eating desires, and keep the environment safe from your pet by satisfying your pets need for activity.

Ask to see registration and health records for the parent dogs. Ask what has been done to socialize the puppies. Most breeders health check, de-worm, and vaccinate their puppies before they're sent to new homes. Ask about health guarantee and return policies. Long term health is more than genetics. It's also nutrition, exercise, and emotional well being.

To be sure that Yellow Labrador puppies for sale go to forever homes, breeders must be sure prospective buyers understand the needs of this energetic, athletic canine. Labs require a 10-12 year commitment of companionship and exercise. They're great with kids as long as you have time to exercise your Lab. They're good with other dogs. They need to be part of a pack. They don't enjoy alone time.

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Reasons Why You May Take Your Pets To Any Of The Animal Hospitals In Wethersfield

By Krystal Branch

Any time you see some behavioral changes with your pets, you may need to think of taking to them to the nearby veterinary doctor. In the same way as human beings would wish to live healthy, the animals would too enjoy healthier lifestyles. You may not be improving the productivity, growth and development of the pets if you do not offer them the best medication. The animal hospitals in Wethersfield are the best in providing veterinary services.

You may not be able to provide happiness to your pets if you cannot organize competent vet services for them. Many people are keen to notice any slight change that happens in their pets. Most people would look at the skins of their pets and note any unhealthy condition. Pets face various skin problems that are caused by external parasites, fleas, mites and injuries among others.

Since the animals are feeding on various types of food, they may develop various problems. The tummy problems may come due to causes such as ingestion of spoilt food, stomach cancer, food allergies, and other medications. In addition, you may also need to know that toxins are major causes of tummy troubles among pets and other animals. Frequent vomiting could be a good indication of such problems.

When you think of hyperthyroidism disorders in human beings, you should also know that they occur to pets and animals as well. The problem affects some of their sensitive organs such as the kidneys making them inactive and unhealthy. You should take the animals to the nearby vet hospital once you detect some signs such as loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting, and dull coat. Excessive thirst and urination could also be a serious symptom.

You need to know a few of the clinics in your area where you would be taking your pets for check-ups. It is not good for you to wait until the pets are completely sick to take them to the hospital. You should organize with your veterinary doctor for regular check-ups. During the checkups, the vet may notice some signs of diseases that would need immediate attention.

The main thing that you would do is to look for reliable vet clinics around. You may use the reliable sources such as friends, relatives, and neighbors. It may not be harmful to ask the neighbors how they get their veterinary services in the city of Wethersfield. This would be good for your pets too. You may also decide to look for the most appropriate veterinary clinics online.

You should then take the next step and visit the offices of these vet doctors. While at their premises, you should be keen on the hygiene of their walls, floors and the entire building. You should not forget to check the methods they use to keep files for their clients. This would help you to know if their storage facilities would allow you to retrieve the documents of your pets once you need them.

Ensure you find out if the license and insurance of the animal hospitals in Wethersfield are legitimate and valid. You should also find out if the vet doctors in these clinics have the right training and knowledge. Moreover, you should evaluate the competence and reputation of the vet doctor.

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Discover The Importance Of Hiring Aquarium Maintenance Dayton Experts

By Krystal Branch

You may find that having aquariums near offices or at home is not something new in the modern world. Most people are making this a habit since the fish tanks provide them with the peace of mind that they need by beautifying the place. However, you need to know that maintaining the fish tanks is a basic requirement. That is why you may find the aquarium maintenance Dayton services essential.

When you invite the professionals to maintain your fish tank, you may ask them questions that would help you in future. Some of the things you hire experts to do are simple and you may do them on your own after you heed to their simple instructions. One of the instructions you may receive from professionals is avoiding overfeeding since it propagates algae growth and multiplication.

Another way you may use to keep the fish tank clean and in good condition is by changing water frequently. Naturally, water current and rain carry away nitrates and other fertilizers as a way of refreshing the fish tank. When nitrates accumulate to certain levels, they become toxic to the aquatic creatures. For the closed fish tank, it is always important change water once or twice monthly as experts in the Dayton OH may explain.

The lighting system of these fish tanks is important since it may encourage or distress the growth of algae. Many people understand the principle behind the lighting and the biological processes that take place in algae. To prevent the fast growth of algae, you could know the best lighting systems and where possible, change the bulbs. Dull bulbs would work better since they supply less light.

To ensure that you do not have excessive growth of algae, you may need to introduce other plants in the fish tank. This would be good since the plants would reduce the amount of light, nutrients, and space for algae. The competition that the plants would introduce in the fish tank would oppress the growth of algae. They would reduce the nutrients that the algae need to grow.

Some fish such as catfish are good in feeding on algae. Most people find this technique the best since they do not have to use chemicals. When you use chemicals to eliminate algae, the chemical compounds may contaminate the environment and make the survival of fish cumbersome. You would come across different species of catfish in the Dayton OH city that you may use to eliminate algae from the fish tanks.

Experts recommend that you count your fish weekly to maintain the fish that the tank could support. You should not allow the tank to have excess fish since it may lead to different problems. When some of the smaller fish die unknowingly, they decay and release some chemical substances such as nitrites, ammonia and nitrates that make the environment toxic.

The filter cartridges in your fish tanks require to be changed after 30n days. This ensures that they do not release excess carbon in the fishpond that would turn the environment acidic. With the aquarium maintenance Dayton services, you would have the best fish tanks ever.

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mardi 18 février 2014

What You Should Know Regarding Pet Hospital Wethersfield Services

By Krystal Branch

Most people know and understand the need to take care of their health, however, the truth is that little is done to ensure that they do take care of their pets. However, sometimes it could be because they do not know how to go about investing in such services. The best thing is that pet hospital Wethersfield professionals are now available in many places. Wethersfield is no exception. Therefore, it is important that you read on so that you find out why you too should invest in such services.

Most people only tend to assume that such services only include treatment. Therefore, they will only visit such facilities when their pets are sick. However, the fact is that you will find a variety of other services here. The best thing is to read on so that you see the many instances where you can find these services quite useful.

As it is, most of the services that they do offer are mainly preventive. This means that they are designed to help boost the immunity of your pets. In fact, as you will find, some of the services may be compulsory. Mainly, this is in regard to the immunization. Therefore, make sure that you are aware of these details. At the end of the day, some of the diseases can spread quite fast and the only way you can keep your pet safe is through the immunization and the vaccines.

The other services are in regard to grooming. Just like humans, pets too can be groomed so as to increase their beauty. However, such services will depend on the choices of the pet owner. Therefore, it is good to know that you must not invest in these services if you do not want to. However, the truth is that these services are also important and will add value to your pet in so many ways.

Either way, there are times you may need to travel either on business or even taking a vacation. Chances are that you may not be in a position to travel with your pets. However, the fact that boarding services are offered in this area may be such a relief. The only thing that they will need you to do is to make an agreement on the period that you will be away. They will do the rest in ensuring that the pets stay safe.

At the end of the day, the way that you select a facility is the most important. For one, you need to select a facility that is within your locality. This is easy as you are able to get help within a short time especially during illness.

The other thing is on the reputation. Not all of them can be trusted. Invest your skills in hiring the best. This is the only guarantee that they are a reputable hospital.

Pet hospital Wethersfield professionals are definitely doing a great job. Make the best out of them. Invest in them as soon as you can.

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