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vendredi 16 mai 2014

Benefits Of Dog Walking For Both Owners And Pets

By Arline Bradley

A dog is an ideal pet. Unlike other animals, he will always put you and your well being first before himself, his needs, and his wants. He will never make you feel alone, and he will tail you everywhere when you take him for dog walking ottawa. A few minutes of cuddling with a furry pal is enough to make you forget your worries. He is that one guy who will never leave you even if everyone else does.

A responsible owner does not just acquires a mutt and then leaves him in a corner. Keep in mind that while you have your friends, your family, and your career to take up your time, he only has you. You do not have to add to the frustration of waiting by not taking proper care of him. You have to make sure that he gets fed right on time and is safe from the cold especially at night time. You also have to give him baths and play with him to keep him healthy.

To prevent from being sick, your furry friends also need exercise. They do not really need rigorous workout, even daily walks will do. Now, you may have heard that taking a mutt for a walk can be beneficial for a dog owner, but it is actually good for your pet as well.

One good reason to take Rover out for a walk is to keep him fit. If you just leave him to sleep all day, he will get overweight. He might also suffer from joint diseases if he does not move his limbs more often. To prevent this, allow him to run around. This will give him a chance to move his muscles and shed off the extra weight.

Another good reason is to prevent unwanted behavior. Dogs who act improperly and wreck all the furniture are dogs who have nothing else better to do. By allowing them at least thirty minutes of active play, they will have a positive outlet for all the energy trapped within their body. Make walking a regular routine and you will see great improvements in the behavior of your pooch.

A walk also allows pets and owners to bond. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to teach your pet new tricks. He will learn new commands like staying still while you are seated on a bench. You can even teach him to follow you home when it is time to go or else he will get left behind. He is a companion animal by nature, which means he likes to spend time with you and a walk is a perfect way to quench that desire.

Your pup will also be able to work on his social skills as he gets to meet other dogs and other people. An exposed dog is a more manageable dog. At the same time, you get to meet other people too and widen your circle of friends and acquaintances. You will never know that among the multitude of people you meet during these walks is one who will be a good addition to the number of people you can trust.

These daily walks, how little they may seem to be, can definitely add years to the life of your pet. A healthy pooch gets to live longer and gets to do more activities with you. This way you can also enjoy the company of each other longer.

For owners, nothing is more beautiful than the sight of their dogs enjoying themselves. Seeing their furry friends happy also give them a reason to smile. These little moments may mean so little to human beings, but this can mean the whole world to our beloved pets.

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