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dimanche 25 mai 2014

Basic Dog Grooming Techniques A Pet Groomer Should Know

By Marci Glover

When you have canine animals as your pet, then it is your task to groom them. You have to keep them groomed so that they can live in comfort. If they are groomed, it will also save you the trouble of having to clean up after them. It will not make you feel grossed out or anything of the sort if your pets are looking handsome or beautiful.

If you actually intend to keep your pets groomed, you better make sure to hire qualified pet groomers to handle the task. You should be able to let a professional work on your pets when it comes to dog grooming Edgewater MD. The said professionals should be able to keep these pets feeling healthy and good about themselves.

There are basic techniques that the groomers have to know about. You can be sure that the groomers are already an expert when it comes to the said basic techniques. Here are those basic techniques that a professional groomer knows.

First, there is the hair brushing. Most of the canine animals actually love being brushed. This is the best way for them to maintain a healthy coat. The minimum frequency for brushing the canine animals will actually depend on its hair type. The tools will also vary depending on the breed of the said canine animal. Long-haired, short-haired, and medium-haired canine animals have different requirements for brushing.

There is the nail trimming too. Just like humans, the nails of the canine animals will grow at a fast rate too. You will be the one in pain if you just leave these animals with long nails. They will injure you when you get scratched while playing. The professional groomers can trim the nails of your pets without causing the latter any pain.

Another technique is the bathing of your canine animal. Most of the canine animals do not like taking baths. It will be a different matter if the said canine animal get used to this, though. You should get the pet used to this by bathing it frequently. Use the shampoo and bath soap suitable for the said pet.

Ear care is another technique that a professional groomer will have to know about. The dog's ears can be the home for bacteria and yeast so you have to clean them. If you do not clean their ears, they might experience ear problems. Some pets can go through without cleaning for months but there are pets that need cleaning multiple times a day.

Hair cut. Give your pets a hair cut on a regular basis. This is especially applicable to those pets with hair that grow long at a faster rate compared to the others. The same goes to those pets that grow thick coats in no time. Getting their hair cut on a regular basis allows them to feel comfortable. The groomer knows what cut to give to the pets during specific seasons.

These are just the basic techniques that a groomer should know about. The more advanced techniques will surely help in maintaining the comfortable living of the pets. You have to know whether your chosen groomer is qualified for the job or not before you leave your pet in his or her hands.

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