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mardi 20 octobre 2015

Professional Horse Riding Lessons California Offers Begin With The Basics And Progress Over Time

By Mattie Knight

Equestrian training is started when children are as young as four. Of course, they are put on ponies that fit their smaller stature. Height measurements are taken at the withers and each four inch increment is a hand. Ponies are thirteen hands and tall horses may reach seventeen hands or more. The Horse Riding Lessons California Instructors give will teach facts such as this to beginners.

A lesson for that child will ordinarily last for a half hour. Children older than seven will take a one hour class. Both adults and children start by brushing and tacking up their mount. This includes brushing, putting the saddle blanket and pad on, then the saddle and bridle.

The major portion of the hour is spent riding. The last five minutes are spent untacking and putting him in the barn or pasture. Brushing its back after a ride is always welcomed by your mount.

Clothing and helmet requirements must be respected. No person will ride unless he or she is wearing a helmet. Sure, those cowboy hats look glamorous, but, safety is more important than appearance. Pants or jeans are mandatory too. No shorts are acceptable. Shoes should have a heel at least an inch high. No tennis shoes are acceptable.

The first class is used to observe and evaluate riders and place them in a class that matches their skills. The instructor will demonstrate how to interact with the mount while standing with him. At first, you should hold your hand out to him, keeping the palm down. He will perceive this as a friendly gesture.

Always approach the horse from the left side whether walking up behind him or getting up on the saddle. Stand on the left as you get him tacked up. If entering a slip stall, walk up on the left side. Always talk to him or make a sound to alert him that you are behind him. It may startle the animal if you fail to make your presence known.

To mount up, put your left foot in the stirrup on the left side. Then placing your weight in the stirrup, swing the right leg up and over the saddle. Settle both feet comfortably in the stirrups. Hold the reins in the left hand if riding Western style. Hold one rein in each hand if you ride English style.

Use the reins to signal the horse as to what you want him to do. To signal that you want to move forward, hold the reins loosely and shake them against the horses neck. Another signal for go is to make a clicking sound. Pulling back on the reins signals him to stop. Be careful not to pull back too hard as this may cause some horses to rear up.

First lessons are spent in an enclosed area for security purposes. You will learn to signal for a right turn by moving the reins in that direction and a left turn to the left. You will practice starting, stopping and turning until it becomes routine. This is step one in a series of lessons to enable you to learn to ride.

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