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jeudi 22 octobre 2015

Assisi Animal Health: What Is Lyme Disease?

By Robin Setser

It should go without saying, but dog owners must know about illnesses that their pets can contact in time. One of the most common, according to Assisi Animal Health, is known as Lyme disease. You may have heard of this term a time or two, without understanding its specific impact. As a result, if you would like to know what this particular illness is about, including ways in which it may be combated, I believe a bit of learning experience is in order.

For those who do not know, Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks, which is a common problem amongst young and older breeds alike. The main characteristic of this condition is inflammation, which causes stiffness in the joints and difficulty moving in general. A dog that was once active, able to cover long distances in virtually no time at all, will start to slow down over time. Of course, it would be a lie to say that there aren't other symptoms to note.

Some of the aforementioned symptoms include - but are not limited to - difficulty breathing and a lack of appetite. In other words, dogs with Lyme disease end up suffering from a high level of discomfort. It's not abnormal for dogs to experience this, especially as they age, but this shouldn't occur early on in life. Concerned pet owners may want to know how this problem can be corrected. Needless to say, this is where the best medical advice can come into effect.

According to authorities like Assisi Animal Health, one of the ways to combat Lyme disease is with antibiotics. These will be able to fight the condition, in terms of inflammation and all, resulting in a sense of relaxation amongst the joints. There's also the possibility of a different diet, depending on how serious this disease is in a particular animal. Prior to making any drastic changes, though, it would be wise to get in touch with your local veterinarian.

Lyme disease is a serious condition, to put it mildly, and it's important for pet owners to know what to do if this situation crops up. Without the right knowledge, their pets will wind up suffering. It's for this reason that you should have your veterinarian's number on hand, since you will be able to consult them and see what can be done from a medical standpoint. Even though said condition is detrimental, it can be easily treated if detected soon enough.

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