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samedi 22 août 2015

How Standard Goldendoodles Can Be Sold

By Nancy Gardner

Many persons love to keep certain animals as their pets. They may keep dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, birds, or others. They usually feel happiness whenever these creatures will play with them or just with their presence. The individuals usually take good care of these creatures.

On the other end, some pets are usually sold by other people to possible buyers to have more money earned. Standard goldendoodles, cute breeds of dogs, may be sold. A few things should be thought about by these sellers when these dogs are offered for sale. Through this, profits can be gained while new homes are enjoyed by these dogs.

First, the individuals should find good parents that will produce such puppies. They should look for healthy studs and dams. The studs are the male dogs while the dams are the female ones. These canines will usually mate at the right times. The breeders should provide them with all their needs, such as shelter, food, and water. They could also provide supplements to these creatures to ensure that they will produce healthy pups.

This person should be taking extra care to the dam during its pregnancy. He must be providing a clean birthing space so that the pup will not be acquiring a disease from a dirty environment. After giving birth to it, the breeder should be taking care of it, as well. He must be sending it to a veterinarian who will be providing it with its first shot of vaccination. He must only be selling this pup once it reaches two months old.

These sellers should employ several advertising methods so that their respective target markets will know about these sales. They can put up or hand out fliers to other people. They can even register at certain websites that allow the sales of such animals. The persons can also use their own social media accounts to advertise such sales.

Whatever methods would be utilized by these individuals, they must ensure that all information that prospective buyers need to know regarding the sales will be provided by them. Several photos of the dogs should be posted to get the attention of some buyers. Their contact information must also be provided so that these can be used by such customers to get further information asked from them.

After sharing these details, he will definitely be receiving calls and texts from varying persons who are willing to buy this puppy. The individual should not be automatically giving the canine to one. Instead, he could be screening a responsible buyer in ensuring that the animal finds a happy home. He must be asking related questions to the buyer before closing the deal.

The sellers should set appropriate prices for the canines which they will sell to the public. They need to take a couple of factors into consideration when they would determine and set such rates. Some buyers would typically negotiate such prices. The persons should set limitations for these negotiations so that they might not incur losses.

Before meeting a new owner and turning this dog over, he must first be giving it a proper bath and trimming its nails. He must also be bringing its health record and giving it to the new owner. He could also be checking the condition of this puppy afterwards.

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