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vendredi 21 mars 2014

More About Australian Labradoodle Therapy Dogs

By Luisa Sharpe

Australian Labradoodle therapy dogs are great for people who are in hospitals or nursing homes. These days, psychologists find that they are very useful in their practice. They find that there are some clients that struggle in opening up and a dog like this will help with this. They tend to know what they are thinking because they are very compassionate.

These particular dogs make good therapy pets because they are compassionate and have a great deal of empathy. This is very important in this area because you have to have a pet that knows what the patient is going through. It helps improve the quality of life and there has been much proof to say that this is true.

This makes people feel safe and come out of their isolation. A dog like this can do so much for someone and slowly one will start to see the therapy work. One can adopt a dog like this should someone be in a state of distress. They are perfect for people who have been through a lot of trauma.

They are also good for people who have severe epilepsy and don't know when they are going to have a seizure. These dogs can sense when one of these is coming on and they will send a warning by barking. This will alert the parents or the carers of the epileptic and this is something that one needs in your life.

A lot of people who are paralyzed find that this is a breed that is suitable because it is smaller than most so it is practical, but it also has a great personality and temperament. In saying that, one should always try the dog out to see that that you get on because all of them are different. They have personalities just like humans. They usually come when they are still puppies.

One has to be prepared to commit for a long time and if you are elderly, you have to find a home for this should you think that you will die before the dog. It can be a problem because you are always with one another and you will grow attached to each other. This is why it is best to take a dog at a certain age.

You will also find that it is a small price to pay for these dogs because they don't come cheaply, but if you have health insurance, then you should be smiling. You will be able to go on their website and find a breeder in your area. Bear in mind that there is a waiting list so you should know that you have to look around and this is not immediate.

The other thing is that you have to remember that these dogs require to commit for some time. This means that you have to be prepared to keep them forever and should you die before them, then you should prepare to find a home for them. This can be hard for them because they grow attached to you.

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