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mercredi 12 mars 2014

How To Choose The Right Dog Boarding Services Mission Viejo California

By Jaclyn Hurley

It is not advisable to leave your dog behind with no one to take care of him while you travel. You should look for a boarding facility that guarantees maximum safety of your canine. The market is now flooded with these services, and thus you need to be careful when making your choice. When scouting for the right professional dog boarding services Mission Viejo California pet owners can look locally or online.

There are many things to observe before you settle for any dog boarding service. The first thing to inquire about is how medical emergencies are handled. It is good to choose a facility that has a standby veterinarian. This is vital because an emergency can occur at any time of the day or night. So you want a place where health matters of dogs are given priority.

Just like human kids, dogs need to be played around. Ask at your preferred facility whether they allow dogs to do some exercises. Walking dogs is also important instead of them being confined inside kennels at all times. Dogs that stay in kennels 24/7 become lazy and stressed up. You should not go for facilities that do not allow the walking of dogs.

Suppose that at your preferred facility dogs are allowed to play in groups, ask whether there are enough and qualified attendants to supervise them. If allowed to play without any supervision, dogs may cause injuries and this is not good. So, you must ensure that there are enough attendants for all dogs in that particular boarding facility.

Get to know how frequently the facility is disinfected. Kennels should always be kept clean and disinfected. Dirty ones can make dogs fall sick due to contaminated air that comes out. Extremely clean kennels will ensure that dogs remain healthy. So, it is your mandate to make sure the pet houses are spotless clean before you leave your canine there.

You should also inquire about the training of the staff members and their general backgrounds. You want a facility with employees who understand canine behavior, care, and even training. Such professionals can be able to understand and deal with dogs of various breeds. They can also be able to prevent problems from occurring. If any problem arises, a well-trained staff member can readily recognize and deal with it in the right way.

Since dogs are social creatures, they should be allowed to interact with people. Keeping the dogs inside kennels at all times can make them become very hostile and unfriendly to people. That is why they should be allowed to socialize with both people who come to visit the facility and the employees working there.

It is advisable that you visit the facility before you make up your mind. Spare some time to tour the place where your dog will stay. Once you are there, check how organized they are. Check whether they have enough kennels and whether they are clean. Interview both the staff members and the owner of the facility. This way, you will be able to get firsthand information and be in a position to make the right judgment.

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